our work
training & workshops
PRI delivers transformative capacity building experiences to justice oriented and committed partners and practitioners aimed at introducing, modeling, and building competency around skills and tools that can be used to stand in solidarity with historically targeted and oppressed communities, to build and curate more equitable experiences and environments, and to support healthy youth development. These engaging and interactive experiences are delivered virtually and in-person. Join our mailing list to get information on upcoming workshops, seminars, retreats, and online course offerings.
Coaching & consulting
PRI provides human-centered coaching and consulting thoughtfully customized to the needs of our clients and the communities to which they belong and provide support. Examples of supports:
Strategic Planning to build impactful, scalable and sustainable programs to take you closer to your mission.
Communities of Praxis to bring practitioners together for critical reflection, collaborative learning, and provide access to vital research in order to bridge the theory and practice divide in positive youth development.
Coaching & Learning Experiences for Practitioners to develop engaging, inclusive, objective-driven and high quality youth programs
Coaching & Trainings for Managers to ensure all team members are supported and engaged with the systems and tools to perform at high levels.
Building a culture of equity and anti-racist practice and policy
Democratizing Evaluation tools & implementation strategies for program improvement, stakeholder engagement, and collaborative data planning
Curriculum development
PRI develops engaging, culturally responsive, healing centered courses, lessons, tools, and resources aimed at providing students with tools and transferable skills that can be used to re-imagine and realize futures, combat systems of oppression, and build community. Past offerings have included such topics as developing personal narratives, uncovering purpose, mattering, freedom dreaming, community planning, design thinking, community/global impact, personal storytelling, and racial healing. Additionally, the PRI and community partners have begun development of The Peoples’ Curriculum On Social Studies!
racial healing circles & healing centered methodolgies
PRI will facilitate Racial Healing Circles and training on the TRHT Racial Healing Framework and other Healing Centered Methodologies. Racial Healing and Healing Centered Methodologies provide us tools and processes for celebrating our common humanity, acknowledging the truths from our shared history, and recognizing our collective potential. Through racial healing, we can forge deep, meaningful relationships, lay the groundwork to transform broken systems, and bridge divides to transform communities.

The Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation (TRHT) Youth Institute is an adaptation of the globally recognized Truth and Reconciliation Commission concept, developed in partnership with Project Restore Initiative, The Praxis Institute, and TRHT Greater Chicago. TRHT aims to get rid of the false belief in a hierarchy of human value and replace that with an appreciation for the equal and interconnected nature of the human family.
The TRHT Youth Institute expands the community of healers by training, empowering, and emboldening youth, youth workers, & community practitioners in order to be agents in the creation of individual and collective wellbeing.
TRHT Youth Institute IN THE NEWS:
The Path Forward: NBC 5 (Chicago) talks with some of Chicago's youth leaders on the front lines of fighting against racism and fighting for racial equity.
Racial Healing Circles Seek To Make Space For Listening: WBEZ Chicago covers TRHT Youth Institute with co- founders Steven Rosado and Terrence Pruitt.